Sunday, October 24, 2010

Questions answered about how I've lost 135lbs so far.

I’ve been asked a lot of questions about my accomplishments with weight loss and fitness. I thought this would help answer many of those questions.

I am 5'9" 180lbs and now wear a size 8.

I averaged 190lbs and a size 12 in high school.

I weighed 320lbs and was a size 26 at my heaviest in 2004.

I weighed 260lbs when I started with my trainer in Feb 2010.

My body fat percentage was 48% in 2005, 40.7% in Feb 2010 and last month it was 31%. I have a goal of 29% or lower.

I do strength training for 30 minutes 2 to 3 times a week.

I do cardio for an hour at least 4 times a week.

I do most of my workouts in the morning.

I've never had any interest in running but found a new passion for it this year when I decided to set a goal of running The Savannah Bridge Run 5K on Dec 4th. I've now find running to be very therapeutic and one of best overall exercises I can do for my body.

I've worked with an amazing trainer, Heath Stubbs at the Richmond Hill YMCA since February 2010. He’s has been an invaluable source of encouragement and learning. I pay $30 for each 1/2-hour session and it's the best money I've ever spent.

I stopped eating at fast food restaurants at the end of April 2010. I will get a sandwich from a sub shop.

I've reduced the amount of pre-packaged and processed food I eat.

I eat a small meal every 2 to 3 hours that always consists of a lean protein and complex carbohydrate.

I believe I’ve overcome a sugar addiction by reducing my sugar intake to no more than 10-15 grams per serving.

I drink about 90+ ounces of water a day and sometimes I add crystal light.

I do not drink any of my calories except for milk and the occasional adult beverage. I will drink diet Pepsi that is calorie free.

I was an emotional eater and now use music and exercise as an outlet for my emotions.

I have had hypothyroidism since 2003 and take 175mcg of Synthroid daily.

My husband and kids eat what I do. I don't make separate meals. My saying is "You get what you get and you don't pitch a fit" but most meals they don't complain. Just because it’s better for you doesn’t mean it can’t taste good.

I don't always buy organic but I do always try to buy the best possible products for my family.

I read the label to everything I eat, every time!

I never leave the house without a healthy snack and a large water bottle in hand.

If I am out and need something fast I will get a turkey (preferably Boar's Head) sandwich on wheat loaded with veggies, spicy mustard, jalapeños, vinegar and no mayo, cheese or oil.

My favorite splurges are:
Tortilla chips with guacamole
Lox on an everything bagel with cream cheese, tomatoes, onions and capers
A mushroom, black olive and cheese pizza (2 slices)
A scoop of Chocolate peanut butter ice cream

My favorite everyday meals are:
Breakfast: Fage Non-fat Greek yogurt with natural granola and fresh berries.
Lunch: Whole wheat Boars' Head Turkey Sub from Baldinos.
Dinner: Baked Salmon with herbed whole grain couscous and asparagus.

My favorite everyday snack (recipe given to me by my trainer) is a chocolate banana peanut butter protein shake.
How to make it: Take half an EAS Chocolate protein shake, half a medium banana, 1 tbs peanut butter, 1/4-cup quick oats blended with ice.

I have had my struggles and had set backs but it has gotten so much easier the longer I stick with it.

Quitting was never been an option! I constantly set another small goal to help keep me motivated.

My FB friends have unknowing helped me through my toughest days. Someone always seemed to have sent me a message to pick me up when you didn't even know I was feeling down.

I want others to feel as great as I do and finding out that I am an inspiration to others has been my biggest reward.

I plan on getting my personal trainer & weight loss consultant certifications in 2011.

I am still amazed at how far I can push my body.

I love the new leaner me but now I am determined to be the stronger me. I love challenging myself.

The harder I work, the more I do the more energy and enthusiasm for life I have.

What I love to tell others, "If I can do it, you can too!" They normally don't believe me until I show them my size 26 picture.

I used to keep a food journal but I no longer log my food. Eating the right foods in the right portion is second nature to me now.

I don't think I am addicted to exercise. I don't love all my workouts. It's how great I feel once I am done that keeps me going back for more.

My children are not deprived; I am doing a very hard job of teaching them about moderation and better choices. If you want fries you can have them but why not have a better version of them if possible.

I plan most of my meals ahead of time.

I avoid situations that would allow me to impulse eat. For example I will eat before going to a party or the movies.

If I am going out to a restaurant I will look at their menu and nutrition information online ahead of time.

I feel better then I have most of my life!

 What I've learned:

I can't compare myself to others. I may never look like the models in the magazine but that doesn't mean I can't be the best me I can be.

No one can do it for me; I’ve got to want it bad enough and fight for it every minute of everyday.

I can't look to food for comfort or enjoyment. Food is only there to provide my body fuel.

The better food choices I make the better I will feel.

Weight loss is 70% good nutrition and 30% exercise.

There will always be an excuse as to why I can't do something; I must make the choice to overcome those excuses if I want results.

If I put off what can be done today then the tomorrow I am waiting for may never happen.

If I slip up and make a bad decision, I can't beat myself up, but I can immediately fellow it with up a good decision.

Small changes can lead to big ones.

If I stick with it long enough everything does becomes easier.

Once I think I've reached my limit, push harder.

Pain = results!

There is ALWAYS a better choice!

As always, I am open to any questions you may have. I love to know that I can help and inspire others to make better choice and live their happier healthier life. Never be discourage, you can do it!

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